When asked how podcasts can be applied I really had to stretch the imagination. Some of the other social medias we have discussed were pretty obvious, but podcasting was a bit trickier. Even so, I believe it can be done! A great article in PR news provides a
clear explanation of podcasting and how it can be used within the public relations realm.
Contrary to this article, I tend to lean towards a more applicable place for podcasting is strictly within an organizaton. I have to give props to
Margaret Orlando on the most creative idea I have found for podcasting in PR! She stated that she sees podcasting as a more internal communication tool by providing, "meeting debreifings, conference debreifings, things that people need to catch up on about their organization, this would be a great way to transform the hum-drum newsletter from days of old into the Web 2.0 world."

I absolutely love this idea! In my job, I don't have the time or desire to sit down for twenty minutes to catch up on my emails. If podcasting was provided by my department I could catch up on meetings I may have missed while I was away or just a simple general announcement that could be a critical policy change. In fact, I could even do this on the way to work! Thus, allowing less distraction and better patient care.