Well, it's official! You no longer need to have any interaction with someone to know what exactly is going on every moment of there life. That is if they keep up with their Tweets. Twitter provides a service to its customers that allows for 140 characters to update all their "followers" on what they are doing.
Honestly, I'm having a really hard time getting into the twitter thing. It seems like just one more account to check. I'll give it a little while and see how it goes. I think part of the problem is that the only people I know that are on twitter are my classmates. To me, this raises the question, who else is on twitter? Well, let's see. I read an article on CNN.com that the Salvation Army is using Twitter to update people on money-raising events this holiday season. I thought that was pretty exciting. But who else is on there in Twitter land, what are they talking about, and how do I find out? Well, I went to my home page and scrolled down and clicked on "search." This brought up a page much like google search, but only searches with Twitter You could type any word and Twitter shows you the most recent posts about that subject. I never could figure out how to find businesses on Twitter by searching within Twitter, but if I googled it I could fine the orgainzation's twitter home page and then I could begin to follow it on Twitter. I think Twitter needs to make it easier to find new friends and organizations to follow.
Overall, it is a neat concept that I think has a lot of PR potential. Twitter obviously still has a lot of room to grow and a large potential audience. I just think it hasn't fully caught on quite yet. Good luck Twitter! I know you're starting to grow on me.
You are right. I'm also not sure what you do with twitter except updating your status. Maybe there are more features that I am yet aware.
I agree with you, I find it extremely difficult to get into the Twitter phenom...Great post and links.
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