I suppose the best way to treat this blog is much like a journal. I have been assigned to do this blog originally for a class, but I'm sure I'll continue it long after.
The class I'm taking is COM 639-Concepts and Analysis of Public Relations. I am working toward my Masters in Communication with an emphasis in PR. I plan to use this degree to do PR for a hospital. I love talking in front of large groups and planning events so PR just seems like a natural choice. This is actually my first PR class, so I guess I'm about to find out if it was the right choice or not. So far I have really enjoyed it!
I am currently employed as an ER Nurse which is totally a world unto its own. Oh the stories I could tell, but we'd be here all day. Basically, I knew God had called me to help others and I love being a nurse to do so. Whether I help others with direct patient care or educate the public on health issues when I achieve my PR position, I know that is where God wants me to be. And usually I'm pretty good at it. Like I said though, ER nursing is a world unto its own. It is beginning to make me more cynical and be annoyed with the human race in general (related to drug seekers, people that come to an emergency room for a sniffle and take up all my time when I could be giving better care to someone who is REALLY sick, medicaid in general, drunk idiots that decide to drive and kill people, etc) . This makes me think it's about time for me to get out of ER nursing and move on to a different area. I really enjoy geriatrics and cardiac patients. They really need help and are usually appreciative of the care they receive. Old people are the best! For some reason I have always enjoyed the company of those who are quite a bit older than I am. After that for a few years, I'm hoping to be done with my communication degree.
So, this leads into my near future. I'm getting married! The big day is April 25, 2009. It will be here before I know it, I'm quite sure. I am marrying a man named Aaron and wow is he amazing!!! I could go on and on about how lucky I am, but basically it boils down to that he is sometimes even nicer to me than my mom. Need I say more? We got engaged on the 4th of July this past summer. It was quite a surprise and VERY romantic! We were alone on my Mom and Dad's boat on the Lake of the Ozarks watching the fireworks. The next thing I knew Aaron had our song playing in the background and was down on one knee!! AMAZING!

We have been dating for just about 2 years now. Our families are very similar and we were raised almost identically. He is from Oklahoma though. I am from all over Missouri basically. (Basketball coach brat). I could also go on and on about how perfect we are for each other, but again we'd be here all day.
Anywho...We plan on buying a house here in the Springfield area this spring. We'll probably live here until I finish school (another 3 years or so) and then move to wherever I can get a job. I hope it will be away, far far away. I've never lived outside Southwest Missouri and I'm soooo ready to get out! But, Mike Peters at St. John's even sounded interested in what I was doing, so who knows?
Well, that about wraps it up for now. Until later.
1 comment:
Thanks for the blog address. I will look forward to your future posts! It'll be fun to read as you go thru your daily job (and life!) Have a good week (we sure enjoyed having you here this past wkend) Love ya-Julie
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